Batangas Historic Photographs & Videos
This page contains links to posts that contain public domain historical or non-commercial use photographs taken in Batangas. The links are categorized for the viewing public's convenience. More links are to be added to his page as photographs are discovered.
Aerial Photographs of Batangas
Philippine-American War
Batangas Town
San Jose
Undetermined Locations in Batangas
Aerial Photographs of Batangas
- Aerial Photograph of Batangas City 1923
- Aerial Photograph of Batangas City 1933
- Aerial Photograph of Batangas City 1935
- Aerial Photograph of the Batangas Provincial Capitol 1935
- Aerial Photograph of Lemery 1935
- Aerial Photograph of Malvar, Batangas 1941
- Aerial Photograph of Nasugbu 1937
- Aerial Photograph of Taal 1939
- Aerial Photographs of Taal Lake and Taal Volcano 1939
- Aerial Photograph of Tanauan 1941
- Aerial Photograph of US Army Maneuvers in Batangas 1930
- Photographs of Fortune Island Off Nasugbu, Batangas 1935
- 1962 Photos of Taal Lake and Surrounding Communities
- Aerial Photographs of Batangas January 1945, Possibly Military Reconnaissance
- Historic Photos of the Taal Volcano Crater Lakes, 1907
- Historic Pictures Related to the Violent 1911 Eruption of Taal Volcano
- Historic Pictures Taken in Batangas during the American Colonial Era
- How Churches in Balayan, Bauan, Ibaan, Lemery, Lipa, San Jose, San Juan, Tanauan and Taysan Looked Like in 1911
- Lipa, Batangas in Ruins: Photos taken right after World War II
- Photos of Taal, Batangas Early in the American Colonial Era
- Photos of Santo Tomas, Batangas Early American Colonial Period
- Pictures of Taal Volcano Taken before the Destructive 1911 Eruption
- Rare Early 20th Century US Army Photos of Batangas, Lipa et al from the Sandra Plummer Collection
- US Army Signal Corps Photos taken while in the town of Lipa in 1945
- US Army Signal Corps Pictures while in Batangas City Post-World War II
- US Army Signal Corps Pictures taken during the Liberation of Santo Tomas, Batangas in 1945
- US Terrain Intelligence Pre-WWII Photos of Batangas
Philippine-American War
- American Soldiers Swimming in a Batangas River (between 1899-1902)
- Company G, 38th Infantry Regiment Soldiers Resting in Batangas, c. 1899-1902
- C. Rodman Jones, American Soldier Assigned to Batangas in 1902
- US Army Troops on the Road to Lipa, Batangas
- US General & Staff in Front of Governor's Palace in Batangas, 1900
- Along the Talisay-Tagaytay Trail, 1934
- Cathedral in Batangas, C. 1900
- Earthenware Pot Peddler in Taal, Batangas c. 1903
- Female Prisoners in Batangas 1899
- Filipino Native with Bayog Bark along Talisay-Tagaytay Trail, 1934
- Flight of Steps in Taal, c. 1920
- General Prisoners in Batangas 1898
- Grandstand of a Playing Park in Batangas, c. 1910
- Harvesting Coffee in Batangas 1927
- Lipa and Balayan Public Markets, American Colonial Era
- Locust Infestation in Batangas, c. 1905
- Market in the Town of Lipa, c. 1903
- Mount Maculot seen from One Side, 1933
- Palico River Bridge on Batangas-Nasugbu Road c. 1919
- Photos of Bauan Taken in November 1911
- Photo of the Taal Volcano Crater from the Rudyuski Postcard Collection
- Photos of “Typical” Batangas Tagalogs in 1904 according to an Expo Board Publication
- Railroad Train in Batangas, 1930
- Soil Survey at a Batangas Salt Field, 1930
- Soil Survey in Santo Tomas, Batangas 1931
- Taal Lake and Volcano Island, 1934
- The Town of Taal, Batangas c. 1903
- Woman Bleaching Clothes on the Shores of Taal Lake, 1933
- Women in Calaca Weaving Cotton, c. 1905-1915
- Women of the Red Cross Society of Lipa, early 1900s
- Young Coconut Climber and Tuba Extractor in Batangas c. 1929
Batangas Town
- Batangas Town with Mt. Makulot in the Distance, c. 1945
- Photograph of Batangas Airfield Hero Jesus Villamor, 1943
- Photographs of the Batangas Airdrome 1945
- American Soldiers Shelling of Mount Maculot, Cuenca April 1945
- Bridge being Constructed by the US Army in Cuenca 1945
- Japanese Gun Captured in Cuenca, Batangas 1945
- Photos of the Battle at Mt. Maculot 1945
- Lipa Airfield Runway with Bomb Craters, 1945
- Lipa Railroad Junction Low-Level Bombing, 1945
- Pass in Review and Airdrop at Lipa Airstrip, June 1945
- Filipino Guerrillas in Nasugbu, 1945
- Japanese Artillery Guns at Barrio Aga, Nasugbu 1945
- Landing Ships Approaching Beach during the Nasugbu Landing 1945
- Landing Ships Offshore during the Nasugbu Landing 1945
- Palico Bridge, Nasugbu 1945
- Philippine Army Soldiers Paddle to Meet U.S. Forces, Nasugbu Landing 1945
- Photo of the Nasugbu Airstrip, 1945
- Photos of the US Army in Nasugbu, 1945
- Spanish Evacuees in Nasugbu offer Hospitality to American Soldiers, 1945
- Sugarcane Train in Nasugbu, 1945
- The United States Armed Forces Cemetery in Nasugbu, 1945
- Troops Parachute over Nasugbu, 1945
San Jose
- Destroyed Municipal Building of San Jose, Batangas 1945
- Residence in San Jose Ruined by Bombs 1945
- The Remos of San Jose, Batangas beside Burned Home 1945
- Boy Looking at Mass Killing Site in Barrio Sulok 1945
- Destroyed Makapili Headquarters in Barrio Sulok 1945
- Destroyed Primary School where Massacre Victims were Assembled 1945
- Newly-Constructed Bridge Laguna-Batangas Border, Postwar
- Soldier Rests in Barrio Sulok during a Lull in the Fighting 1945
- US Army Company G Soldiers entering Sulok, Santo Tomas 1945
- US Army Moving in to Liberate Santo Tomas, Batangas March 1945
- US Army Troops Entering Barrio Sulok, Santo Tomas 1945
Undetermined Locations in Batangas
- 11th Airborne Officers Attend Ammo Demo in Batangas, April 45
- Filipino Guerrillas in Action in Batangas, 1945
- Preparing to Blow up a Bridge in Batangas, 1941
- US Fighter Plane Drops Bombs on Japanese Positions, 1945
- A Grove Filled with Dead Victims of the Japanese, 1945
- Female Survivor of Japanese Atrocities in Lipa in 1945 Shows Bayonet Scars
- House of Victims of Japanese Brutality in 1945 in Lipa, Batangas
- Inside a House Ransacked by the Japanese
- Lipa Family Stand before Home Burned by the Japanese in 1945
- Men from Barrio Sampalocan, Lipa who Escaped Japanese Atrocities 1945
- Men Shoved into Deep Wells and Shot at by the Japanese in 1945, but Rescued
- People Killed by Japanese Soldiers in 1945 Left to Decompose in the Open
- Photo of a Boy from Lipa, Batangas whose Face was Mutilated by the Japanese in 1945
- Survivors Dig up Skulls of Family Members in Lipa, 1945
- Young Girl from Lipa, Batangas with Scars from Japanese Atrocities
- San Jose, Batangas Victim Shows Bayonet Wound 1945
- Woman from Barrio Taysan, San Jose with Bayonet Wound 1945
- 17-Year Old Lone Survivor of a Japanese Attack on Civilians, 1945
- Man with Deep Bayonet Scar on his Back, 1945
- One-Year Old Baby with Bayonet Scar on his Head
- Woman from Taal Showing Bayonet Scar on her Belly, 1945
- Lipa Bishop Alfredo Obviar Officiating Cornerstone Laying of New Carmel Chapel
- Taal Volcano Island Seen from Agoncillo, 1962
- Portrait of Clemencia Lopez of Balayan
- Miguel Malvar in Uniform
- Maria Orosa of Taal, University of Washington Yearbook Photos
- Old Wooden Bus Similar to those Operated by the Batangas Transportation Company
- Photograph of Taal Volcano Main Island Crater 1911
- Photos of the Cape Santiago Lighthouse, Calatagan 1902
- Photograph of Woman in Batangas using Cotton Gin, c. 1915-20
- Punto Malabrigo Lobo, Calatagan 1899
- 11th Airborne Jump School at the Lipa Airfield, Batangas
- General Walter Krueger of the US Sixth Army Visiting Lipa Airstrip, 1945
- Gen. Walter Krueger Visiting 11th Airborne Camp in Lipa, Batangas 1945
- Operation Mike-6, US Armada Sails into Nasugbu Beach 1945
- The 187th Infantry Regiment, US Army, in Barrio Sulok, Santo Tomas, Batangas, 1945
- The Kay Kyser Show for the 11th Airborne in Lipa, Batangas, 1945
- US Army Airstrikes on Mt. Maculot, Batangas, 1945
- US Army Nasugbu Landing, 31 January 1945