About - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore About - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore


Batangas History, Culture & Folklore is a web site dedicated to the research and publication of credible and well-written articles that aim to bring to the attention of a modern audience the great province of Batangas’ glorious past.

Many of this web site’s articles have information taken from primary and secondary sources such as
  • “The Philippine Islands” series by Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Roberton;
  • the Historical Data Collection (of local histories) submitted by Department of Education Districts in 1953 and now archived at the National Library of the Philippines;
  • the Henry Otley-Beyer collection of Anthropology papers, also archived at the NLP;
  • antique Spanish colonial era books written by historians such as Joaquin Martin de Zuñiga, Antonio de Morga and Manuel Sastron;
  • a wide variety of books, reports and web sites about Philippine History in general but from which many stories about Batangas can also be extracted;
  • guerrilla files from PVAO and the United States National Archives and Research Admininistration; and
  • war crimes trials files from the United States Military Commission.
The articles are divided into several categories which are also hyperlinked for the reader’s convenience: the Pre-Hispanic to the Hispanic era; the American colonial era, Batangas in World War II and notable Batangueños. To save time when searching for specific articles, the reader is encouraged to make use of the Search Form at the top right of the page.

To assist researchers, who otherwise would not be able to find vital documents about Batangas Province by simply using search engines, in this web site are also many documents transcribed from non-OCR (optical character recognition) compliant sources. These transcriptions allow search engines to find and index these pages and subsequently make them available when researchers use search engines.

Batangas History, Culture & Folklore is an ongoing project and new articles are published every few days. Visitors to this web site are encouraged to keep returning for more new features.

While this web site is free to use by any teacher, student, researcher or lover of Batangas History, needless to say there are also costs to maintaining it. If you wish to keep Batangas History going, please consider making a donation by clicking on the PayPal button below.