At the University of Michigan Digital Archives, there is a collection of pictures taken of Taal Volcano likely before the 1911 eruption. The pictures, which are all part of the Everett Thompson Photograph Collection, were likely taken during an expedition to the Main Volcano Crater. Most of the pictures are undated; but one explicitly states that it was taken in 1902.
That same year, an expedition was carried out to explore the volcano and fortuitously, photographs were taken. These are stored at the University of Michigan Digital Archives under the Everett Thompson Photograph Collection.
All the descriptions in this photographic essay are taken verbatim from work titles given by the UM library.
In the crater of Taal volcano. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
The Southeastern rim of the crater, showing Lake Taal and a corner of the floor of the crater. The smoke rising from the rocks comes from the sulphur jets. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
View from the middle of the crater near the central cone, looking toward the eastern wall. There the path is visible. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
The zigzag path down the crater wall - the only possible way to reach the floor. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
Looking up from the floor of the crater to the top of the rim at the southeast corner. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
Another view of the crater wall. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
A near view of one of the faces of the crater wall, showing the sulphur jets. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
In the crater of Taal Volcano. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
Crater of Taal Volcano, Batangas. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
The southern wall of the crater as seen from its floor. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
One of the small hot-water lakes in the crater. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
The left-hand picture of a panorama view of the entire inside of the crater as seen from the top of the eastern rim. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
Taal Volcano: central cone on a quiet day. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
The "roarer" spouting in Dec. 1902. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
Our banca on the beach of the Volcano Island, just setting out for Taal. Image credit: University of Michigan Digital Collections. |
Notes and references:
All images taken from the Everett Thompson Collection at the University of Michigan Digital Archives.