May 2022 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore May 2022 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

May 2022

A Historical Record of English and Tagalog Names for Common Philippine Fishes

From a 1948 publication of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service 1 , we obtain this fairly comprehensive list of both English and Tag...

Batangas History 30 May, 2022

[CULTURE] The Disappearing Use of the Letter “R” at the End of Syllables in Batangas

In the Province of Batangas, the use of the letter “r” at the end of syllables in spoken Tagalog is fast dying out, if it has not died out...

Batangas History 28 May, 2022

[CULTURE: Food] How a Bowl of Goto in Batangas May Come as a Surprise to Non-Batangueños

Just like its iconic version of the pancit lomi , noted for the absence of vegetables among the ingredients, Batangas’ take on the “goto” ...

Batangas History 23 May, 2022

Late 19th Century Taal as Described by the UK-Born Priest Rev. J.E. Tenison-Woods

From an 1888 paper 1 written by the noted priest-cum-geologist Reverend Julian Edmund Tenison-Woods, we are able to obtain a very vivid d...

Batangas History 20 May, 2022

[CULTURE: Traditions] Origins of the Bulingbuling Tradition of Batangas and Elsewhere

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, every last Sunday before Ash Wednesday, many people in the City of Lipa would take to the streets for what w...

Batangas History 13 May, 2022