Vanderpool's Orders to the Licopa Guerrilla Unit, February 1945 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Vanderpool's Orders to the Licopa Guerrilla Unit, February 1945 - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Vanderpool's Orders to the Licopa Guerrilla Unit, February 1945


Col. Jay D. Vanderpool was the Liaison Officer sent by Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area (SWPA) Command to southern Luzon, including Batangas, to coordinate guerrilla activities in the area in preparation for the Allied invasion. Transcriptions of a selection of his communications either with guerrilla units or offices of the United States Army are compiled in this section. In this page are transcriptions1 of two sets of short orders issued by Vanderpool from Guerrilla Headquarters to the Licopa Unit that was operating in the Lemery area.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]


2 Feb 45


1. You will patrol the area Calaca to Lemery and attack all enemy forces encountered.

2. Report progress every 12 hrs.

3. Send a Liaison Officer here at Nasugbu Guerrilla Headquarters immediately.

4. You will have five (5) horses at Lemery for Pony Express.

5. Contact Gagalac at Balayan by Pony Express.

Major, Grla Staff C
Guerrilla Commander

[p. 2]

5 Feb 45


1. You will patrol from Calaca to Lemery and protect Lemery.

2. Gagalac will patrol from Calaca to Balayan and protect Calaca.

3. Rillo will patrol from Balayan to Calatagan and protect Sampiro.

Major, GSC
Guerrilla Commander
Notes and references:
1 “Licopa Unit (GLINT),” File No. 50, online at PVAO.
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