Memo to CO of the 3rd Bn, 49th Regt, Hunters-ROTC on Batangas Situation after Nasugbu Landin - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Memo to CO of the 3rd Bn, 49th Regt, Hunters-ROTC on Batangas Situation after Nasugbu Landin - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Memo to CO of the 3rd Bn, 49th Regt, Hunters-ROTC on Batangas Situation after Nasugbu Landin


The Intelligence Group, 3rd Batallion, 49th Regiment, 47th Division is an affiliate of the Hunters-ROTC guerrilla organization commanded by Eleuterio Adevoso and one of the largest outfits that operated in Southern Luzon during the Japanese occupation and subsequent liberation. This intelligence group operated from the then-town of Lipa and was commanded by one Jose Alex Katigbak. In this page is a transcription1 of a memorandum issued by Hunters-ROTC 49th Regiment Commanding Officer Jacinto del Pilar to the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion advising the latter of the situation in Batangas after the landing of United States Army forces on the beaches of Nasugbu.

Guerrilla Files

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7 February 1945

To: The Commanding Officer 3rd Battalion

This is to inform you that I was ordered to proceed to this place because Major Schommer, G-2, 11th A.B. Division, 8th Army, would like to know the first-hand situation in our area. It’s a good thing I was well-informed about the Japs in our area, that I didn’t fail him. Now, I have to inform you of our situation as explained to me by Major Schommer.

At present, he said, Major Vanderpool was designated as Guerrilla Commander, with the Hunters or ROTC GHQ staff personnel forming his staff. (Ikaw na ang mag Hunter!) All guerrilla units have to transmit all their messages and receive orders thru us only. He explained also that the present combat zone of operations is two kilometers on both sides of the road from Nasugbu to Manila thru Cavite, extending for 70 miles. Your area (2nd, 3rd, and 4th Batt. Areas) are still the zones for combat intelligence work. Which means that no Allied operations will take place in our area until they have finished Manila. Then, they will swing back to Batangas and there is when we will come out in the limelight. Boy, I was fully convinced of Mac’s plans, although I still think they are anxious to reach Manila only that’s why they left us behind. Latest news is that Gen. Krueger got inside Manila one hour ahead of Gen. Eichelberger, Commander of the Southern Forces. So, stand by for orders. After they’re through with the mopping up operations, they’ll surely be at our sector. These are the instructions you have to perform for me:

(1) Sheet all your IR’s to our radio fast, especially troop movements of 100 to 200 men.
(2) I have promised to Major Schommer that we have one crack company per battalion, composed of trained and experienced men. Do not fail me in this.
(3) Stock up supplies for a period of one month. Use all means to procure supplies. Up to now, the Finance Officer of the 11th A.B. Division has not yet issued money for us. Let’s carry on with what we have.

Regarding our arms, only one hundred and seventy were available and all of them were already distributed to the units in here before I arrived as follows:
Gasilao – 130
Fil-Amer – 10
Cabarrubia – 25
AUSA - 6

You’ll see that Gasilao got all our shares and you’ll understand that this is because his area is within the combat zone. Gasilao is doing fine according to Major Schommer. The Americans were not supposed to land of Feb. 1st, but on Feb. 15, but because of Terry’s personal reports, indorsed by Vandy, that there was only one division left in Batangas, they hastened their plans. Thus, they didn’t bring enough supplies for themselves and for the guerrillas. I was assured, however, that when Major Schommer and I get to our area, we will have most of the arms and he will bank on our unit very much.

I am sorry I have to stay here and eat with Major Schommer all A-1 food (US Army rations) and smoking genuine cigarettes, but orders

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are orders. I’m trying to swipe things around, especially food rations, and I’ll send them from time to time. Major Zagala, as Acting CO there, doesn’t know the swiping business and I am sure you’ll receive your rightful shares.

My best wishes to all of you. Carry on, we’re almost through.

GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!

Lt. Col., Inf. Guer.
C.O., 49th Regt.
Notes and references:
1 “Intell Unit, 3rd Bn, 49th Regt, 47th Div, Hunters-ROTC,” file number 307-42, online at the United States National Archives.
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