Memo Reprimanding the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Bn, 49th Regt, Hunters-ROTC - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Memo Reprimanding the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Bn, 49th Regt, Hunters-ROTC - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Memo Reprimanding the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Bn, 49th Regt, Hunters-ROTC


The Intelligence Group, 3rd Batallion, 49th Regiment, 47th Division is an affiliate of the Hunters-ROTC guerrilla organization commanded by Eleuterio Adevoso and one of the largest outfits that operated in Southern Luzon during the Japanese occupation and subsequent liberation. This intelligence group operated from the then-town of Lipa and was commanded by one Jose Alex Katigbak. In this page is a transcription1 of a memorandum issued by Hunters-ROTC 49th Regiment Commanding Officer Jacinto del Pilar to the Commanding Officer of the 3rd Battalion reprimanding the latter for the behavior of his guerrillas.

Guerrilla Files


25 January 1945
: Memorandum
: The Battalion Commander
3rd Battalion, 49th Regiment

1. For your information, I have just visited Balete because of the rumors that I have been receiving with regards to the conduct of your officers in there. From the information I gathered personally, I was able to verify the misconduct of some of your officers.

2. I was informed that some of your officers there usually go serenading at night singing Hunters songs. Others are loitering and parading in town, with girls, probably ON MISSION, while still others cannot just keep their mouths shut.

3. I know that youth has his frivolities, characteristic of his age. But this is the time when we should add years to our age that we may command the respect of other guerrilla units in particular and of the community in general. I, too, am young and in my heart have always nurtured the desire to do some of youth’s frivolities. But because I understand my situation and because I’m aware of the fact that any misdeed on my part will stain the name of the organization, I have strengthened my self-control against these things. We all have been critical of other guerrilla units’ conduct and we ought to be ashamed of ourselves. Let us look into our souls first before attempting to clean others.

4. You, as their immediate superior, are to blame, as much as I am to blame if this thing ever reaches the ears of the GHQ. Time and again, I have reiterated to you that your officers have not shown what I have been expecting of them. My purpose in reducing the number of officers in your staff last time was to allow you to give each and every officer a job. But then, you have increased them again. Besides, you have been continually recommending officers for promotions that I understood them as a sign of improvement on your part. It only proves to be another disappointment.

5. I have, therefore, authorized your S-2 to report to me on these matters and that he can give drastic actions for the meantime to all subject to that penalty. I am likewise ordering you to exercise better control of your men and officers. While the other two battalions are showing signs of improvement with regards to this matter, I don’t see any reason why yours is deteriorating – you, who have come directly from me; you, who as a disciplinarian are well-known as I am; you, who will soon grow gray hairs in that service.

6. To end, just before landing operations in our area, I expect to see improvements. Good luck!

Major, Guer. Inf.
C.O., 49th Regt.
Notes and references:
1 “Intell Unit, 3rd Bn, 49th Regt, 47th Div, Hunters-ROTC,” file number 307-42, online at the United States National Archives.
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