Investigatory Report on the 2nd Regiment Nasugbu FAIT - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Investigatory Report on the 2nd Regiment Nasugbu FAIT - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Investigatory Report on the 2nd Regiment Nasugbu FAIT


The Fil-American Irregular Troops or FAIT was a large guerrilla organization that operated in Luzon during the Japanese occupation. It was founded by the retired US Army Colonel Hugh Straughn. It had many affiliated units in many towns of Batangas, including two regiments in the western Batangas town of Nasugbu. The 2nd Regiment is the second of these. In this page1 Captain Cesar Fernando of the Philippine Army, given the task of studying the 2nd Regiment’s application for official recognition, filed his investigatory report.

Guerrilla Files

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1. On 16 February 1947, Capt C G Fernando and 1st Lt Leaon J Sonders proceeded to Nasugbu, Batangas and investigated the 2nd Regt, Nasugbu Fil-Americans under the command of Marcelino Enriquez.


(See attached Unit History.)
a. The following persons were interviewed and their statements are reflected in the findings:
Col Terry Magtangol
Col Quintin Gellidon
Miguel David
Marcelino Enriquez
Inocencio Salumbides
Zacarias Beltran
Pablo Alix
Sofio Ramos
Galicano Cargado
Benito Villaluna
Marcelo Bayaborda
Santiago Orlando
Igmedio Barcelon
Gaudencio Tesoro
Bienvenido SobreviƱas
Nemesio Serrano
CO, Hunters-ROTC
Guerrilla Coordinator
Organizer, Nasugbu Fil-Americans
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
b. Record of service of the unit was not substantiated by sufficient acceptable evidence.

A written statement (See incl#1) signed by Lt Col Joseph M. Pensack, CO, CWS, 11th Airborne Division was presented by Marcelino Enriquez, when interviewed. This certificate purports to show that the men of the Nasugbu Fil-Americans were used as labor crews in the unloading of the supplies of the 11th Airborne troops. The men, according to the unit commander, were carried as laborers in the payroll of the American using unit, however, some of the men did not get their pay while others got theirs. The unit commander got his pay but he gave it to a widow of a soldier.

The unit commander could not produce any orders, directives or memorandums issued, or received by the unit. The CO claimed that their records were burned because they were afraid the Japanese might discover their organization. Records presented (See incls # 6 to 16 inclusive) by the unit commander were copies of orders from the Guerrilla Coordinator, Maj Jay Vanderpool, dated January to April 1945. This indicates that adequate records or no records at all were maintained during the period of alleged existence from 1942 to the end of 1944. Moreover, these records presented were identical with those submitted by the Nasugbu Fil-Americans under the commands of

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M. David, Villegas and Desacola for recognition, however, these units were not considered favorably by AFWESPAC. Further examination of these records shows that they were directed to CO, Nasugbu Fil-Americans and not to CO, 2nd Regt Nasugbu Fil-Americans.

When Miguel David, an organizer of the Nasugbu Fil-Americans, was interviewed, he stated that the Nasugbu Fil-Americans composed of only one regiment and he did not know the existence of a second Nasugbu Fil-American regiment. He also said that Marcelino Enriquez is a medical officer of his unit. Due to [a] lack of medical officers, he said, Marcelino Enriquez was carried as battalion surgeon in the recognized battalion of his regiment with the rank of captain. Miguel David denied that Marcelino Enriquez was or acted as a military adviser to the regiment.

Examination of the unit’s roster and the NFC file of the Nasugbu Fil-Americans showed that the men listed under the command of M. Enriquez and roster of troops of the Nasugbu Fil-Americans under David were identical except for a few which, according to M. David, were recruited by M. Enriquez in 1945 [among] sugar planters in Nasugbu. On 18 December ’45, a battalion roster (See incl #17) was submitted by M. Enriquez for recognition in which he was the Commanding Officer with the rank of Lt. Col. On 27 Jan ’46, M. Enriquez again submitted for recognition a regiment (See incl #4). This time, he assumed command of the regiment with the rank of a full Colonel. This is without authority. The alleged promotion (see incl #5) of 867 men and the increase of personnel clearly indicate that an effort was made to fill up a T/C for a regiment. In the NFC file of the Nasugbu Fil-Americans, M. Enriquez submitted a roster of a company belonging to Blocky Division, Western Batangas Forces, Fil-Americans. He signed himself at that time the Division Adjutant. All these assumed designations of M. Enriquez were all denied by M. David, Col T Magtangoland Col Q. Gellidon. They all testified separately that M. Enriquez was never in command of a battalion or a regiment and there was never a Division in the Nasugbu Fil-American command.

c. The unit was not maintained satisfactorily in the field in opposition to the enemy.

During the period of attachment with the 11th Airborne, this unit was a labor rather than a combat organization. Alleged participation in the mopping up operations were unsubstantiated by written documents or reliable statements of disinterested persons. According to Col Quintin Gellidon, all the combat forces of the Nasugbu Fil-Americans were accorded recognition by the 6th Army thru the recommendations of the 11th Airborne. He further stated that the battalion that was given recognition constituted adequate and just acknowledgement of their activities and participation in the resistance movement and in the liberation.

The denial of M. David, Col T Magtangoland Col Q. Gellidon about the existence of the 2nd Regt, Nasugbu Fil-Americans and the anomalies in the rosters of M. Enriquez’s command, apparently show that the 2nd Regt Nasugbu Fil-Americans never had existed or practically a non-existent organization.

d. The activities of the subject unit did not contribute materially to the eventual defeat of the enemy.
Members of the unit that were interviewed claimed to have engaged in intelligence and sabotage work, but the Commanding Officer and the Ad-

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jutant could not cite any outstanding sabotage or intelligence activity excepting the theft of a cargo of sugar from a Japanese launch, and the submission of monthly intelligence reports to the headquarters of Hunters-ROTC which was rated by Col T. Magtangol as poor. The activities of the unit attested by Maj Jose Ramos (Incl #2) from 10 January 1942 up to the Surrender of Bataan cannot be considered as having been activities of a guerrilla unit because the campaign in the Bataan Peninsula was still being waged and authority to form guerrilla units had not at that time been given.

e. Members of the unit did not devote their entire effort to military activities in the field to the exclusion of normal civilian occupation and family obligation.
Some members stated that they spread Allied radio broadcast news and were constantly attuned with Allied operations, others admitted that they planted and cultivated fields or their own lands for the subsistence of their families.

f. No useful purpose will be accomplished by further investigation of this unit. No members are worthy of recognition and a casualty roster has been submitted.

This decision on the proposed unit roster does not preclude submission for individual and casualty recognition by those individuals who are qualified and feel justified in entering such claims. Upon request by interested individuals, appropriate forms will be forwarded.


This unit apparently as no political aspirations or affiliations.
It is recommended that the 2nd Regt, Nasugbu Fil-Americans be not favorably considered for recognition.
/s/ Cesar G. Fernando
Captain, Inf
C28749 (PA)
17 Incls:
1. Ltr, “Guerrilla Cooperation, Nasugbu Fil-Americans.”
2. Ltr, “Coordination of Command w/ USAFFE, Guerrilla.”
3. Unit History
4. Unit Roster
5. Unit promotions
6 to 16 Orders & Ltr, Maj J Vanderpool
17. Unit Bn Roster
Notes and references:
1 “2nd Regiment, Nasugbu FAIT,” File No. 110-51, online at PVAO.
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