Communications between Maj. Desacola of 2nd Regt Nasugbu FAIT and US Army - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Communications between Maj. Desacola of 2nd Regt Nasugbu FAIT and US Army - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Communications between Maj. Desacola of 2nd Regt Nasugbu FAIT and US Army


The Fil-American Irregular Troops or FAIT was a large guerrilla organization that operated in Luzon during the Japanese occupation. It was founded by the retired US Army Colonel Hugh Straughn. It had many affiliated units in many towns of Batangas, including two regiments in the western Batangas town of Nasugbu. The 2nd Regiment is the second of these. In this page1 are transcriptions of an exchange of communications between one Major L. A. Desacola of the 2nd Regiment and the Untied States Army regarding the legal claims of heirs of guerrilla casualties.

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]

Nasugbu, Batangas
27 July 1946

The Chief, Guerrilla Affairs


1. In connection with the proposed claims of legal heirs of some members of my unit who are under the casualty list, may I request that I be furnished with [a] definite directive or instructions as to the procedure to be followed to establish such claims? Kindly furnish me also some sufficient copies for 20 persons of your GOB form No. 2 as published in the local papers?

2. Immediate action on the above requests will be deeply appreciated.

Major Inf 0-46672

[p. 2]


APO 707
22 AUG 1946

Major L. A. Desacola
Nasugbu, Batangas
Manila, P.I.

Dear Major Desacola:

Receipt is acknowledged of your letter dated 27 July 1946, requesting directive or instructions and Guerrilla Affairs Branch Form No. 2, sufficient for 20 persons.

Individual guerrillas who were seriously wounded or killed in military operation against the enemy will be considered for individual recognition. It is not required that such individuals shall have belonged to a recognized guerrilla unit. Recognition will depend on whether or not there is established a satisfactory record of resistance to the enemy.

Recognition of casualties belonging to an unrecognized guerrilla unit will not be accepted as a basis for a claim for recognition by the remainder of the unit.

It is requested that these be forwarded to this headquarters the enclosed form completed in triplicate according to enclosed instruction sheet and letter entitled, “Information Concerning Guerrilla Casualties.”

Sincerely yours,
Lt. Col., AGD
Asst Adj Gen
3 Incls:
1. Guerrilla Affairs Branch Forms No. 2, Twenty (20) sets in triplicate.
2. Instructions for Form No. 2.
3. Information Concerning Guerrilla Casualties
Notes and references:
1 “2nd Regiment, Nasugbu FAIT,” File No. 110-51, online at PVAO.
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