2nd Regt Nasugbu FAIT Activities Under Major Jay D. Vanderpool - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore 2nd Regt Nasugbu FAIT Activities Under Major Jay D. Vanderpool - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

2nd Regt Nasugbu FAIT Activities Under Major Jay D. Vanderpool


The Fil-American Irregular Troops or FAIT was a large guerrilla organization that operated in Luzon during the Japanese occupation. It was founded by the retired US Army Colonel Hugh Straughn. It had many affiliated units in many towns of Batangas, including two regiments in the western Batangas town of Nasugbu. The 2nd Regiment is the second of these. In this page1 is a transcription of a chronologically listed compilation of activities under taken by the 2nd Regiment under the direction of Guerrilla Coordinator Major Jay D. Vanderpool.

Guerrilla Files

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23 December 1944:

The Nasugbu Fil-Americans contacted Gen. MacArthur’s Chief Liaison Officer Maj. J. D. Vanderpool in [the] Panagsagan Site. Vital intelligence reports of Japanese strength, location, pillboxes, garrisons and fortified tunnels were submitted and all reports duly marked on the map containing the surrounding terrain of Batangas, particularly Nasugbu. Official instructions received from Maj. Vanderpool, intensify sabotage work in Nasugbu, Batangas.

(a) Prepare several hundred men to be sent to a definite place to gather all arms and ammunition that would be brought by submarine and Catalina planes on their arrival.

(b) To leave a liaison officer there in [the] Panagsagan Site for emergency mission.

Nasugbu Fil-American patrols sent to reinforce Colonel Terry Magtangol’s HQ in Panagsagan. A liaison officer was sent to that HQ to receive daily directives and orders from SWPA HQ. The intelligence section became brisk and forceful, our S-2 boys combed the terrain of Wawa, San Diego, Lian, Kayrilao, Aga, and Kaylaway dangerously appearing as farmers, fishermen and woodcutters to the vile Japs, such that all strategic enemy locations were spotted and duly rushed to the HQ of Maj. Jay D. Vanderpool. Such vital intelligence reports were sent daily to Panagsagan HQ and local food supplies were sent to Terry’s HQ.

30 January 1945:

I, with Maj. Samaniego, Capt. Serrano and Lt. Igmedio Barcelon rushed to Panagsagan Site. margin-bottom:20px; Major Jay D. Vanderpool gave the final “ATTACK ORDERS” to all of us, Batangas, Cavite, and Laguna Guerrilla Commanders in front of the isolated hut which was the Gen. HQ. All guerrilla commanders formed a semi-circle and Major Jay D. Vanderpool issued his final attack orders. On that day, all guerrilla commanders of different units went to their respective towns.

31 January 1945:

Historical landings of the 11th Airborne Division on the shores of Nasugbu, Batangas.

As per compliance with the attack orders, we rushed our Fil-American guerrillas to San Diego and Wawa boundaries. The intense American naval bombardment from the sea forced the enemy to move inward and on their way, they met the volleys of coordinated fire from our guerrillas. The enemy at both Wawa and San Diego Points were thrown in confusion such that few escaped the intense attacks from both sides – from the Navy to the west and the guerrillas to the east.

(a) Enemy communication lines were cut and destroyed connecting Wawa, Nasugbu to Lumbangan and Kaylaway.

(b) Meeting the first advancing 11th Airborne paratroopers in the vicinity of Sarac and Nasugbu proper, we provided them with intelligence guides and combat guerrillas. The Japs in the garrison of Lumbangan (near the Sugar Central) were all killed while our boys [were] guiding the other units up to the approaches of Aga and Kayrilao. Other guerrillas were also sent to Lian town while the Japs retreated inwards towards Malaruhatan.

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(c) Established our Fil-American HQS. in the Plaza of Nasugbu, Batangas, beside the Golden Regiment HQ and the General Guerrilla HQ in the Municipal Building under the 11th Airborne Command.

(d) At 1500 hours, we sent two battalions of the Fil-American boys to the beach and unloaded the vast supplies from the transports to the shore and finally to trucks and amphibians, which supplies were brought to the front lines. Two Japanese soldiers were outright killed in Barac by Capt. Lamberto Ureta and Lt. Rafael Salanguit.

At Natipuan Site (Near Wawa Pt.), 3 Japanese privates were shot during their confused retreat. In Kayamaralina, our watching Fil-American boys killed 7 Japanese soldiers. All of them came from Wawa Point.

From February 1, 1945 up to March 28, 1945:

1. A detachment of Fil-American guerrillas under Capt. Nemesio Serrano served as train guards and intelligent guides in the mopping up of the Japs in Kaylaway and Batulao Mountains.

2. 3 February 1945 – 1 Japanese machine gun and 4 boxes of Japanese rounds of ammunition were captured at San Diego Point and presented to Lt. Col. Monfort GSC GRLA S-4 in the General Guerrilla HQ.

3. Capt. Marciano Rosales and 2nd Regiment Fil-Americans, with his company, patrolled the boundaries of Malaruhatan, Mt. Miyuan, Prenza and the town of Lian. They were under the command of Capt. Hatch, 11th Airborne Division. (Feb. 7 up to Feb. 20, 1945)

4. In coordination with Capt. Densevich, Provost Marshall MP unit – Capt. Marcelo Bayaborda patrolled Bukana and the shore areas to prevent Japanese snipers from infiltrating the town proper. The area was fenced by guerrillas under the order of Capt. Whitehead, C.E. 11th Airborne Division.

5. In coordination with Col. James H. Pensack, the Nasugbu Fil-Americans 2nd Regiment boys continued to unload the arms, ammunition and all supplies from the ships at bay to shore.

> 6. On 1 March 1945, under Lt. F. Jose, a patrol in Calayo killed 3 Jap stragglers. One Japanese big map with all nautical bearings of Batangas Bay and Manila Bay, and 1 non-commissioned saber handed [over] to Lt. Carl Rogers, Adjutant to Lt. Colonel James H. Farren of the 152nd AA BN.

Under Capt. Favian Lopez, the Nasugbu Fil-Americans 2nd Regiment killed 14 Japanese soldiers near the boundaries of Balayan.

17 February 1945:

A Fil-American detachment 2nd Regiment under Capt. Mariano Panganiban mopped up barrio Malusak, Tuy, Batangas. 12 Japanese were killed. There were two encounters. Capt. Panganiban died in the second encounter.

25 February 1945:

Capt. Tomas Fernandez with a squad of Fil-Americans captured a Japanese Q-boat IV at Cawayan Pt. (near Wawa Pt.) This Q-boat was handed [over] to Capt. Kenneth Mackaid of the landing barge Co. C. 592, Engr. Regiment, U.S.A.

26 March 1945:
Fil-American guerrillas captured Limbones eights between 1800 HRS and 1900 HRS. 17 Japanese soldiers were killed. A trunkful of Japanese bodies was seized by us. No casualty on our side except a slight grenade wound of Cpl. Francisco Cortez’s temple and right hand.

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Fil-American boys returned to Wawa and we reported to Lt. Col. James H. Farren of the 152nd AA BN CAC 11th Airborne Division U.S.A.
Col. CO 2nd Regiment
HQ, Nasugbu, Batangas
Notes and references:
1 “2nd Regiment, Nasugbu FAIT,” File No. 110-51, online at PVAO.
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