Activities of the Lipa-San Jose-Malvar Guerrilla Command - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Activities of the Lipa-San Jose-Malvar Guerrilla Command - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Activities of the Lipa-San Jose-Malvar Guerrilla Command


The Lipa Guerrilla Regiment used to be known as the “Second Batangas Regiment” when it was affiliated with the Marking’s Guerrillas of Marcos Agustin. It was formed by a former USAFFE officer named Felino Paran. Upon Paran’s capture by the Japanese, command was assumed by Miguel Lina and became known as the “Lipa Guerrilla Unit.” The organization ultimately failed to collectively gain official recognition by the United States Army, but some of its members did get this coveted accolade. In this page1 is a transcription of the activities of the Lipa Guerrilla Regiment although the header indicates a “Lipa-San Jose-Malvar Guerrilla Command.”

Guerrilla Files

[p. 1]


8 July 45.
1 – From January 30th to February 10th of this year, we ordered and helped the people in our sector to evacuate from their respective homes to [be] free from the Japanese massacre. The island of Polo had been our selection for the inhabitants to be the Evacuation Center. The estimation is around ten thousand persons that we had taken there.
2 – For about three months, my soldiers under my personal command, we helped the people in getting their supplies from their banana, gabi and camote plantations for the support of their families. We had done this for fear that those people might be killed by the Japs in getting their supplies.
3 – From April 1st to April 15th, I attached twenty men of mine to help the civilians in returning back to their former houses.
4 – From the same date April 1st, the entire forces under my command began with the mapping operation in the eastern part of Macolod Mountain, Bokel [Bukal] Hill, Hinitan, Malabong, Samparan, Halang, Duhatan, Palawit, Palaklakan, Latag and Pulo Setious. [sitios?]
5 – On April 27th 1945, this unit made a surprise attack against 4 Japs. 2 were killed and 1 was captured alive. Three Jap rifles, one destroyed, plenty of ammunition was confiscated. The captured alive has been taken and under the custody of 1st Lt. Hurster of 1855E, who at that time that company was detailed in our area.
6 – On April 23rd 1945, we had another encounter, attacked against 6 Japs, 3 were killed. 1 light machine gun was taken from me by Major Hopenstien of 1855E-R.S.O.

[p. 2]

7 – On May 1st 1945, another surprise attack was done against 5 Japs. All were killed. Lots of ammunition, 2 national flags, 1 saber, 1 map, 2 rifles cal. .25 were confiscated. All these things had been reported to Major Hopenstien of 1855E-R.S.O.
8 – On June 23rd 1945, I captured Dominador Luz by myself alone, the ex-Chief of Military Police and Mayor of Lipa, Batangas during the Japanese occupation. I surrendered him to the City C I C here under the care of Judge Segrest of 239 General Solano. I happened to capture the Public Enemy No. 1 of Lipa and the neighboring towns for he was hiding here after he left the barrio of Sulak, a place and the evacuation center of the Makapiles [Makapilis]. At present, charges against him from the different Guerrilla Units in Batangas headed by Col. Pedro Pacia had been filed already in the C I C in Mataasnakahoy.


9. On Nov. 9th 1944, during the days of the Japs’ supremacy in our area, two of my men were killed in the line of duty. 1st Victorio Ada y Guce, Captain, Intelligence Operative. 2nd Damaso Gutierrez, Private.

Report by this Headquarters:
Lipa San Jose Malvar
Guerrilla Command

[Sgd.] Pablo M. Salazar

[Handwritten note below]

To whom it may concern:

This unit, under Major (Guerrilla) Pablo M. Salazar, worked extensively with this unit (1st Bn) and to the best of my knowledge, the above report is correct. The strength of the unit was then about twenty-five.
John G. Hurster
1st Lt. Inf. Comdg Hq. [torn]

[torn] July 1945

Notes and references:
1 “Lipa Guerrilla Regiment Paran’s Unit,” File No. 23, online at PVAO.
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