A Brief History of the Special Detachment, Radio Station C.U.P., Anderson's Guerrillas (2) - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore A Brief History of the Special Detachment, Radio Station C.U.P., Anderson's Guerrillas (2) - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

A Brief History of the Special Detachment, Radio Station C.U.P., Anderson's Guerrillas (2)


The Anderson’s Guerrillas was a guerrilla movement organized by Major Bernard Anderson, an American officer who was in direct contact with the Southwest Pacific Area Command under General Douglas MacArthur and, thus, able to send direct intelligence reports by radio communications. This guerrilla organization was not specifically organized in Batangas, it had units formed and operating in the province, including one it sent to operate a radio station in the barrio of Pagolingin in Lipa and in the town of Mataasnakahoy, manned by BatangueƱos, which gathered and sent intelligence to the Allies. In this document1 is a second history of the Radio Station C.U.P. with emphasis on the organization itself as opposed to the individuals the other historical note was written about.

Guerrilla Files

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From 1 May 44 to 24 May 44, was assigned by Lt. Col. C.M. Smith AIB in Samar as intelligence operative to report on Japanese movements on Gamay River and nearby towns. Sailboat operators passing area were questioned about their ports of departure and destination and about enemy activities and actual strength in said area.

25 May 44, was sent by Lt. Col. C.M. Smith to Luzon with the party consisting of Lt. Stahl AUS, four AUS radio operators and two EM of Lt. Col. Smith. Left Alugan, Samar on a sailboat carrying radio equipment and supplies for Barrio Patabog, Bundoc Peninsula, Luzon. Arrived Bundoc Peninsula about 31 May 44 where Lt. Stahl established a radio station. Stayed at said station waiting for couriers of Lt. Col. Anderson for whom some radio equipment were consigned.

1 July 44, said couriers arrived. With Sgt. Holgado, proceeded on sailboat and via overland trails to Lt. Col. B. Anderson’s Headquarters, arriving on first week of August.

August 44 to 4 November 44, worked with Col. Anderson assisting in the unloading of supplies from submarines arriving at said headquarters.

4 November 44, left Lt. Col. Anderson’s Headquarters with party consisting of undersigned, liaison officer Lt. Napoleon Almira, and Sgt. Holgado AUS radio operator for Batangas to establish a radio station and intelligence net in said province.

Party arrived Batangas and set up Radio Station C U P at Laiya, San Juan, Batangas about last week of November 44. The undersigned immediately organized intelligence net. Hermenegildo L. Lopez, who was the Chief Agent of “Batangas Anderson’s Guerrillas” way back in 1942, at Lt. Felino Z. Paran, operating in Batangas Province in the Headquarters of Atty. H. L. Lopez in Pagolingin, Lipa, Batangas. After conference, Atty. H. L. Lopez was made Chief Agent and Lt. F. Z. Paran as Chief Intelligence Operative in charge of the assignments of all agents operating in said province. Batangas was divided into three sectors, each sector being covered by our agent in charge with corresponding personnel. Reports were sent to the Chief Intelligence Operative Lt F. Z. Paran, who compiled and evaluated them, then to Chief Agent Atty. H. L. Lopez in the Headquarters in Pagolingin, Lipa, Batangas and finally to the undersigned’s Station C-U-P. All said sectors were under direct supervision of C.O. Capt. Alfonso Panopio.

Reports in Batangas and Lipa Airfields, size and strength and movements of enemy troops, concentration, ammunition dumps, enemy supply depots and their military installations were sent via Radio Station C U P to Lt. Col. Anderson.

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For further information concerning Radio Station C U P, refer to Lt. Col. Anderson.
In Charge Radio Station C U P

Notes and references:
1 “Special Detachment Radio Station CUP, Anderson’s Grlas,” File No. 101-13, online at the United States National Archives.
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