A Brief of History of the Malvar Guerrilla Forces
The President Quezon’s Own Guerrillas (PQOG) was a guerrilla organization that operated in Luzon, including Batangas, during the Japanese occupation. The organization had many units in Batangas Province, including the Municipality of Malvar. In this municipality, the unit was formed and commanded by one Wenceslao Cornejo. In this document1 is contained a brief history of the organization and activities of the Malvar Guerrilla Forces submitted as part of the group’s application for official recognition as an element of the Philippine Army in the service of the United States Armed Forces during the liberation period.
[p. 1]
A. R. F
Auxiliar Reconquering Forces
of the
U.S. Forces in the Philippines
P. Q. O. G.
(Under Brig. Gen. Wendell W. Fertig)
Luzon Free Philippines
Malvar Unit Guerrilla Forces
Brief History of Organization and Activities:
[p. 2]
soldiers, and at other times, with ammunition and food, or stolen cows and carabaos. We were then very short of arms and ammunition, even at the inception of this organization. Very few of my men were armed, but with the little that we had and the strong faith and belief of the aid to come, we did our best during the last days of the murderous occupation of the Japanese Army, to cause havoc and chaos among them.
This may be a self-styled organization, but [what] we did were all done for a common cause — a cause for which other brother organizations had been created — a spirit for which eighteen million souls have felt.
And now, we seek what others have sought and found — a dressing of our hardships and tribulations, that our strong faith and belief since and now in an unequalled democratic justice of America and the American people shall stand and long endure, although, dressing or no dressing, we shall not falter and waver in that strong belief in the great principles of democracy which America has always stood for and for which other liberty-loving people of this universe have fought and died for.
Malvar Unit Guerrilla Forces
Malvar, Batangas