Transcription of an action report on the 31 January 1945 Nasugbu Landing from the LCI(L)1 1017. This is a declassified document2 taken from the United States National Archives.
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Historic documents relevant to the Province of Batangas. |
U.S.S. LCI(L) 1017
c/o Fleet Post Office
San Francisco, California
2 February 1945
Commanding Officer
Commander in Chief.
United States Fleet, Washington, D.C.
(1) Commander Task Unit 78.2.3 (Commander LCI(L) Flot FIFTEEN)
(2) Commander Task Group 78.2 (Com[unreadable]Group) EIGHT.
(3) Commander Task Group 78 (ComSEVENTHPhib)
(4) Commander SEVENTH Fleet.
Action, Report of.
(a) Art. 874(6) Navy Regulations 1920.
(b) Com. SEVENTH Phib Confid. ltr. FE 25/A16-3(3)
Part I. Composition of Task Group, Nature of Operation and Mission.
This report covers this vessel’s account of landing of landing force on 31 January 1945, at Nasugbu Area, Luzon, Philippine Islands.
The landing force, under command of Task Group 78.2 was composed of units as outlined in Operation Plan of Task Group 78.2, Commander Amphibious Group EIGHT, Seventh Fleet, Number 1-45 of 24 January 1945, and Change Numbers 1 and 2 to above plan.
Part II. Order of Events and Details of Action.
On 27 January 1945, ships of this task group met at rendezvous off Terraguna, Leyte, Philippines Islands at proceeded at 1730 enroute to Nasugbu Area, Luzon, Philippine Islands via Surigao Strait, Mindanao Sea, Sulu Sea, Cuyo East Pass, Mindoro Sea, around Lubang Islands to Nasugbu Area, Luzon.
This vessel was not loaded with troops prior to departure. On 30 January, at 0730, troops were transferred to this ship from LCI(L) 607 which had screw troubles and had proceeded through the previous night on one screw.
The ships of this task group arrived, without notable incident, off Nasugbu area at 0600 31 January 1945. At 0703, destroyers commenced shelling beach. At 0730, LCI(R)3s commenced firing rockets on beach. At 0757, Army planes strafed and bombed the beach. At 0815, assault troops from APDs4 landed on beach. At 0830, first wave of LCI(L)s commenced beaching. All ships landed troops and cleared beach successfully. LSMs5 of waves 3 and 4 landed on beach and commenced unloading. A delay occurred pending developments
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on the beach. At 0945, this ship together with LCI(L)s 983, 548, ang 661 received orders to beach to left of marker 2. This ship followed by the three other LCI(L)s proceeded to the beach. On approaching the beach, two LSTs6 were proceeding to beach and speed was cut to allow them to beach first. There was only about 75 yards of beach left on which to beach the four LCI(L)s. This ship beached about 35 yards to left of LST, at 1005. The LST to the right was not securely on beach and kept drifting to the left, leaving very little distance between it and this ship. LCI(L) 983 dropped their stern anchor cable over that of this vessel and managed to wedge itself between this vessel and the LST. It finally beached ahead of the LST. LCI(L) 661 and 548 beach successfully to the left of this ship. Troops disembarked and were off this ship at 1010. Due to fouling of ground tackle, this vessel waited for LCI(L) 9832 pull of the beach. LCI(L) 983 was unable to pull in her stern cable and get off beach. Her cable was cut and she managed to get off the beach. During this time, there was enemy opposition firing on the beach. Enemy machine-gun fire was in evidence not far away. A machine-gun nest was knocked out while this vessel was on the beach. Troops were ducking and digging in. Plains were stripping the enemy and ships were firing on enemy gun emplacements. Enemy opposition was not heavy but was much in evidence. For army casualties were observed on beach. LCI(L) 548 was forced to cut her cable due to failure of stern winch, but managed to get off beach. LCI(L) 661 cleared beach successfully. At [unreadable time], this ship pulled away successfully and cleared beach, and proceeded to rendezvous area. Other LCI(L) waves after another delay beached and discharged troops.
At 1330, vessels formed up and proceeded to Mindoro, Philippine Islands, arriving at 0800 1 February 1945.
Part III. Remarks on Performance of Ordnance Equpiment.
No guns of this vessel were fired during trip. No remarks.
Part IV. Resume of Battle Damage.
No known damage to vessels of this task group.
Part V. Special Comments Navigation, Engineering, Damage Control, Communications.
Navigation was in accordance with convoy guides, and operation plan. Some engineering difficulty occurred returning to Mindoro when valve went through piston head putting out of commission one engine of the port quad of this vessel, necessitating installation of new piston and head to this vessel’s engine.
Part VI. Personnel, Performance and Casualties.
Performance of personnel was commendable during the operation. No casualties occurred about this vessel.
Note: Executive Officer’s Report is included in foregoing report.
cc to:
Com LCI(L) Flot. 8
Com LCI(L) Group 43
Com LCI(L) Group 24
Robert G. Jacob
To view or download the original document, please refer to Item 2 below under Notes and References.
Notes and references:
1 LCI(L) stands for
Landing Craft Infantry” Large. Wikipedia.
2 “
LCI(L)-1017 - Report of operations in the amphibious assault landing at Nasugbu, Luzon Island, Philippines on 1/31/45,” online at the United States National Archives.
3 LCI(R) means Landing Craft Infantry (Rocket). Wikipedia, op. cit.
4 An APD is a “
High-Speed Transport Destoyer.” Wikipedia.
5 LSM stands for “
Landing Ship Medium,” Wikipedia.
6 LST stands for “
Landing Ship, Tank,” Wikipedia.