Historical data from the National Library of the Philippines. |
Full transcription of the so-called “Historical Data” for the barrio of Banaybanay in the Municipality of San Jose, Batangas, the original scanned documents at the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections not having OCR or optical character recognition properties. This transcription has been edited for grammar, spelling and punctuation where possible. The original pagination is provided for citation purposes.
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1. Present official name of the barrio: Banaybanay
2. Popular name:
(a) Present – Banaybanay
(b) Past – Banaybanay
(c) Derivation and meaning of this name:
It is derived from the trees called “banaybanay” which were then planted along the national road from San Jose to Lipa.
(d) Sitios:
1. Abra.
3. Date of establishment: as early as the 18th century.
4. Original families – About 200 families.
5. List of tenientes del barrio from the earliest time to date:
1. Miguel Makalinga | 6. Luis Espejo |
2. Marcos Espejo | 7. Pio Menion |
3. Policarpio Maravilla | 8. Eustaquio Husmillo |
4. Angel Dimaculangan | 9. Saturnino Lorzano |
5. Crisanto Reyes | 10. Ananias Mendoza
6. Story of old sitios within the jurisdiction (ABRA):
The name Abra came into being because this was the nickname given to this place by the people living around the sitio. But prior to the naming of this place, it was said that there was a settler here in the person of a certain Don Manuel Genato, who was the owner of the vast tract of land in this barrio. He encouraged some rebels, who were then living in the nearby forested areas, to work with him and till the land. These people were given satisfactory shares out of the harvests. After the death of Don Manuel Genato, he was succeeded by his son Manuel Genato, who became governor of the province. During the incumbency of Gov. Genato, he encouraged people from the different places of this province to settle in this place. As it was the belief of the people during those days that the province of Abra was a place of exile, where jobless persons were being deported, the people living around the barrio took for granted that since the people there were mostly settlers coming from the different parts of the province of Batangas, they nicknamed this place Abra. This was made simply because the province of Abra was a place of exile, and the inhabitants of this barrio during those days happened to be settlers and not natives of this place.
7. Data on historical sites, structures, buildings, old ruins, etc.:
Nothing exists in this place except the big house of the late Manuel Genato. This house was built of Spanish materials and of Spanish type – better known as Villa Genato.
8. Important facts and incidents that took place.
(a) None
(b) Then [When?] the Americans came, the settlers were peacefully occupying the sitio of Abra. Gov. Manuel Genato died, leaving behind him several children who became the heirs of his property in this place. His oldest son Don Ramon B. Genato was appointed the administrator of all the properties he left, who in turn appointed Marcos Espejo to become his
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trusted overseer or katiwala. Later on, these heirs of Gov. Genato decided to dispose of all their holdings in this place to the different persons living in this barrio, through their “katiwala,” Mr. Marcos Espejo. From among the many persons who had the opportunity to purchase these landholdings from the Genatos was Mr. Espejo. Time came when a need for a school became imperative; Mr. Marcos Espejo donated a piece of land on which to build a school building of the barrio. That same building was destroyed during the Japanese occupation. It was rehabilitated through the War Damage Commission as early as in 1946.
9. a. Seventeen (17) lives were lost as a result of the treacherous attack of the Japanese. They were killed at the points of the Japanese bayonets and sabers. The school of Banaybanay was destroyed during the Japanese occupation.
Part Two – Folkways
1. Marriage:
a. The couple, upon reaching the house, were showered with rice, a sign of wealthy livelihood.
b. The bride offers kalamay, a sort of sweet delicacy, to her husband’s relatives to signify a sweet and peaceful harmony of living.
c. Utensils like pots and plates were thrown to pieces during the time when the bride leaves for her in-laws. This signifies a desire for plenty of living.
2. Baptism:
Oftentimes, the child was temporarily baptized by an old man or woman from the place, local called “buhos,” the way of baptizing. A simple [party] is celebrated with drinks (local wine) and chicken. The buhos system is being practiced in order to drive away the so-called tiyanak.
3. Birth:
a. When the mother encounters hardship during delivery, [a] rice paddle and pot cover are placed on top of the abdomen in order to hasten the delivery.
b. A midwife, locally called “hilot,” attends the delivery. After delivery, the mother is massaged by the midwife with coconut oil mixed with ginger. After a month, the mother is ready for [a] bath using hot water boiled with different kinds of medicinal trees and herbs.
4. Courtship:
The gentleman is being required by his parents to render services to the lady whom they desire to be their daughter-in-law. The service is made in the form of gathering firewood, fetching water, and taking care of the family’s pet. This service sometimes lasted for a year or more before the effective date of the marriage.
5. Death and burial:
Prayer is being offered to God in order to absolve the deceased of all his sins. The prayer is being celebrated at the 4th, 9th and 40th day after death. [The] period of mourning lasted for one year.
6. Visits:
Newly-delivered mothers are being visited by komadres and friends, bringing with them eggs or chicken.
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7. Festival:
There is a barrio fiesta in this sitio of Abra which is celebrated every 9th day of January of the year.
8. Punishments:
Besides whipping the children if a certain crime is committed, the parents require their children to kneel on the floor spread with mongoes.
9. Myths, legends, beliefs, interpretations, superstitions, etc.:
No peculiar myths and legends can be mentioned about this barrio of Banaybanay. Beliefs and superstitions are exactly the same as those that are existing in the vicinity or practically in the whole municipality of San Jose. The same case is true with that of the puzzles and riddles, proverbs and sayings.
Related by:
Members of the committee:
Notes and references:
Transcribed from “History and Cultural Life of of the Barrio of Banaybanay, San Jose, Batangas,” 1953, online at the National Library of the Philippines Digital Collections.
Historical Data,San Jose