Executive Order No. 97 Series of 1912 Reserving Land in Botong, Taal for School Purposes - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore Executive Order No. 97 Series of 1912 Reserving Land in Botong, Taal for School Purposes - Batangas History, Culture and Folklore

Executive Order No. 97 Series of 1912 Reserving Land in Botong, Taal for School Purposes

In 1912, an executive order1 was passed reserving land in the barrio of Botong in Taal, Batangas for school purposes. The executive order was signed by then-acting Governor-General of the Philippines Newton W. Gilbert. The order would subsequently be revoked the following year following the investigation of claims to the reserved land filed by private parties. The revocation was contained in Executive Order No. 37 series of 1913, which can be found under the Historic Documents section of the main menu at the top of the page.

Below are the contents of Executive Order No. 37 series of 1912, as well as scans of the original historic document further down this page.

historic documents
Historic documents relevant to the Province of Batangas.


BAGUIO, December 18, 1912.

No. 97.

Pursuant to the provisions of Act Numbered Six hundred and forty-eight, Philippine Commission, entitled “An Act authorizing the Governor General to reserve for civil public purposes, and from sale or settlement, any part of the public domain not appropriate by law for special public purposes, until otherwise directed by law, and extending the provisions of Act Numbered six hundred and twenty-seven, so that public lands desired to be reserved by the Insular Government for public uses, or private lands deserved to be purchased by the Insular Government for such uses, may be brought under the operation of the Land Registration Act,” I hereby reserve for school purposes and withdraw from sale or settlement the following described parcel of public domain in the barrio of Botong, municipality of Taal, Province of Batangas, Island of Luzon, to wit:

Beginning at point marked 1 on plan, S. 30° 51’ W. 1564.8 m. from B. L. L. M. No. 1, Taal, thence N. 8° 29’ W. 160.8 m to point 2; N. 18° 32’ E. 137.7 m. to point 3; N. 12° 53’ E 135.8 m. to point 4; N. 7° 27’ E. 161.2 m. to point 5; N. 43° 11’ E. 20.0 m. to point 6; S. 81° 01’ W. 69.1 m. to point 7; S. 52° 14’ W. 33.1 m. to point 8; S. 17° 07’ W. 37.0 m to point 9; S. 19° 32’ W. 189.4 m. to point 10; S. 12° 41’ W. 73.8 m to point 11; S. 30° 32’ W. 189.4 m. to point 12; S. 63° 58’ W. 102.3 m. to point 13; S. 8° 24’ E. 128.7 m. to point 14; S. 27° 12. E. 159.7 m. to point 15; N. 66° 54’ E. 132 m. to point 1, point of beginning.

Containing 79,688 square meters.

Points 1, 2 and 5, concrete monuments; points 3, 4 and 15, stakes; point 3, on bank of stream; point 6, on bank of Maugat River.

Bounded on the north by Maugat River; on the east by Road San Luis-Taal; on south by property of Insular Government; on west by Balayan Bay and Pansipit River.

Bearings true. Declination, 1° 0’ E.

Points referred to marked on plan II-5257.

Surveyed, August 2, 2011. Approved, October 10, 1911.


Acting Governor-General.

Below are scans of the historic document in English and Spanish:
Executive Order No. 97 series of 1912, English version.
Executive Order No. 97 series of 1912, English version.
Executive Order No. 97 series of 1912, Spanish version.
Executive Order No. 97 series of 1912, Spanish version.
Executive Order No. 97 series of 1912, Spanish version, continued.
Executive Order No. 97 series of 1912, Spanish version, continued.
Notes and references:
1 “Executive Orders and Proclamations Issued by the Governor General during the Year 1912,” online at the Internet Archives.
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